This is Train Spot Location: 31

Station Barneveld Centrum

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Coordinates for navigation system

When using a navigation system, coordinates below can be used:
Lat  N 52° 8’ 31”  (52.142128°)
Long  E 5° 35’ 20”  (5.589023°)

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There are 168 locations in the database.

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Fort aan den Ham

Locations in a distance of approx. 5 km

Barneveld Aansluiting
2.3 km

Dronkelaarsweg, Terschuur
4.1 km

Locations in a distance of approx. 5 to 10 km

Station Lunteren
6.7 km

Tolnegen Zuid
7.7 km

Houtbeekweg, Stroe
8.8 km

Zonneoordlaan, Ede
9.9 km

Locations in a distance of approx. 5 km

Station Nijkerk
11 km

Wallersteeg, Nijkerk
11.4 km

Station Putten
13.7 km

Zuiderveldweg, Ermelo
15.5 km

Pomphulweg, Hoog Soeren
16.6 km

Halte Assel
18.1 km

Assel Ingraving West
18.7 km

Assel Ingraving Noord
19.5 km

Assel Ingraving Zuid
19.5 km

Chris Uiterwijkpad, Soest
19.5 km

19.7 km

Grote Melmweg, Soest
20 km